Dr. Julie Swann Accepts Day of Giving Challenge

With Day of Giving coming up on Wednesday, March 20th, Dr. Julie Swann has accepted the Chamoy Pickle Kit Challenge to encourage ISE participation. The Chamoy Pickle Kit Challenge is one of the latest TikTok trends, consisting of a chamoy-flavored pickle filled with a variety of sweet, sour, salty, and spicy candies and snacks. Last year, ISE received 157 gifts on Day of Giving. This year, if we reach our goal of 158 gifts or more, Dr. Swann has agreed to eat the chamoy pickle kit. Remember, if you are planning to give $20, you can give two $10 gifts and get credit for two gifts, not one. If you want to see Dr. Swann complete the Chamoy Pickle Kit Challenge, you know what to do on Day of Giving.