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Kanton Reynolds and his group of student posing for a selfie at the Rwandan border

Rwanda Bound

Kanton Reynolds led a group of students to Rwanda to allow them to put their industrial engineering skills to work in the classroom and the community.
ISE new faculty members Jordan Kern, April Yu, Fred Livingston and Adolfo Escebedo standing in the outfield of a baseball stadium each holding an ace card.

Four Aces

As part of the campaign to grow NC State Engineering by 40 percent, ISE has hired four up and coming “aces” to its faculty.
A fishing bobber floating in the water

“Teach a Person to Fish …

Anonymous donors created the ISE Worldwide Endowment to improve the world by addressing supply chain improvements in health and humanitarian work globally.
Tammy Montgomery standing in front of a rural highway in Bladen County, NC

Supporting all North Carolinians

ISE alum Tammy Montgomery established an endowment to provide financial support for undergraduates from our state's underserved rural counties.
Dick Franklin, Wanda Franklin and Dick Bernhard standing in front of a red background

5 Questions with Dick Franklin

ISE alum Dick Franklin shared his wealth of experience and knowledge from a 37-year career in telecommunications.
Hong Wan standing in front of a screen displaying the word "Blockchain"

Faculty Spotlight | Hong Wan

ISE associate professor Hong Wan has made several sudden decisions that have changed her entire career plans.