Graduate Plan of Work (POW) | NC State ISE

Graduate Plan of Work (POW)

Plan of Work Guidelines Chart

MIE Degree

  • No minor is required; however, some “concentration” of coursework outside the department may be elected and is encouraged
  • Non-thesis, Option B committee, you can not declare minor coursework. The minor courses work on the plan must include a major or other, not minor.
  • 500 and 700-level courses on your POW must be taken for a letter grade, NOT Credit Only
  • POW may include 600 and 800 level courses that are S/U-graded (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)

MSIE Degree

  • The major and minor coursework, as listed on the POW, normally should constitute about two-thirds and one-third, respectively, of the total coursework hours for the degree
  • Your minor typically includes nine (9) hours (three courses)
  • In some cases, minor coursework (and examination) requirements have been established by other departments
  • Your thesis and project work (e.g. ISE 677 or ISE 695) and other courses are taken to meet department requirements (unless part of the minor)
  • The listing of ISE courses in the minor should be avoided; some exceptions may be permitted as in the case of cross-listed courses (e.g. ISE/OR 505, ISE/PSY 745, ISE/CSC 556)
  • Your minor should have a logical, coherent “theme” of study outside of, but complementary to, the major area of study
  • 400-level courses can be included as part of your minor on the POW
  • 500 and 700-level courses on your POGW must be taken for a letter grade, NOT Credit Only
  • POGW may include 600 and 800 level courses which are S/U-graded (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)

Note: If you plan to get a Ph.D., don’t list your MS POW courses on your Ph.D. POW. This leads to two problems:

  • It obscures what is really being taken and/or is required for the Ph.D.
  • The Graduate School, seeing that listed courses have been taken two or three years earlier, may question why your POW was not submitted earlier in accordance with their policy

Ph.D. Degree

  • The major and minor coursework, as listed on the POW, normally should constitute about two-thirds and one-third, respectively, of the total coursework hours for the degree
  • Your minor includes 15-18 hours (five to six courses)
  • In some cases, minor coursework (and examination) requirements have been established by other departments
  • Your thesis and project work (e.g. ISE 677 or ISE 695) and other courses are taken to meet department requirements (unless part of the minor)
  • The listing of ISE courses in the minor should be avoided; some exceptions may be permitted as in the case of cross-listed courses (e.g. ISE/OR 505, ISE/PSY 745, ISE/CSC 556)
  • Dual minors are acceptable (six (6) to nine (9) hours of coursework in each) and should be identified by their theme, Economics, Operations Research, etc
  • No 400-level courses may be included on the POW
  • 500 and 700-level courses on your POW must be taken for a letter grade, NOT Credit Only
  • POW may include 600 and 800 level courses which are S/U-graded (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)

Note: For your Ph.D. POW, a copy of your master’s plan or transcript must be attached for review by the Graduate School.
Got Questions? Please contact our Graduate Services Coordinator | | 919.515.6410.
For additional information on the Graduate Plan of Work see the Graduate School Plan of Work page and review the ABM Plan of Work Forms (PDF 40KB).

Plan of Work Guidelines

ISE PRO TIP: ST 507, ST 511, ST 513 and ST 515 can NOT be on the plan of work under ISE website application pre-requisites.

Breadth Requirement Courses

A*: ISE 510, ISE 519, ISE 535, ISE 711, MA 547

B*: ISE/PSY 540, ISE 541, ISE 544, ISE 741, ISE 744

C*: ISE 515, ISE 545, ISE 714, ISE 716, ISE 718

D*: ISE 552, ISE 553, ISE 748, ISE 754

E*: ISE/OR 501, OR 504, ISE/OR 505, ISE 560, ISE/OR 562

F**: CSC 513, CSC 520, CSC 570, CSC 742, MA 520, MA 580, ST 515, ST 516, ST 711

* Advanced courses may be substituted with approval.

** Other graduate-level CSC, Math or Statistics courses may be substituted with approval.

Note: Be sure Ph.D. students do not put more than 36 credits on their NC State ISE master plan of work. If there is no break during their academic year, the maximum number of credits they can transfer to a Ph.D. degree is 36 credits.