Advisory Board Chair Notes | October 2021

Before I introduce myself, I want to thank the outgoing advisory board chair, Gayle Lanier, for her long-standing service to the ISE department. I will benefit tremendously from her counsel in the coming months as she continues to serve as the past chair and one of our most involved board members. I know I speak for everyone when I say, “Thank you, Gayle, for your continued service and dedication not only to ISE, but the College and University as well over these many years.”

Now, just a bit about me. My name is Stuart Nisbet, and I received my bachelor’s degree from NC State in computer science way back in 1987. Currently, I am the Chief Data Scientist at Cadient Talent. Before that, I had a 30+ year career at SAS, where I started in the computer graphics division. SAS allowed me to pursue my passion for data visualization and computer graphics which led me through many roles to finally become the Senior Vice President, Global Head of R&D. So, as a CompSci graduate with a focus on analytics, why have I been a member of the ISE advisory board for the last four years? Very simply, in my career, I have not seen any academic discipline have a more significant and broader impact on our world than ISE.  But that’s enough about me. Let’s talk about our beloved ISE department.

It’s exciting to see everyone back on campus for the fall semester and watch Fitts-Woolard Hall finally come to life. Along with Julie Swann, I too want to thank everyone for following the COVID-19 procedures and collaboratively protecting the Pack.

Speaking on behalf of the ISE advisory board, I want to thank those who competed in this year’s Day of Giving. We put our money where our mouths are by joining the challenge to make 150 gifts to the department, and you certainly did not disappoint, finishing with a total of 221. While we each made financial sacrifices to achieve our goal, I cannot think of a wiser investment than in the futures of ISE students. Again, thank you for your generosity and support.

Like my predecessors, I encourage everyone interested in industrial and systems engineering at NC State to find a way to get connected. As part of the new Alumni Resources Program, the department created an excellent “how to volunteer” web page ( that explains all the non-monetary ways you can give back. Please know that every “time investment” you make pays enormously compounded dividends in our shared future. The web page has an FAQ section that answers many of your questions about getting involved. If you find something that fits your interests, we warmly welcome your partnership. 


Stuart Nisbet, BSCSC 1987